My Russian soul, my Russian spirit, my Russian blood through which everyone russian feels a unification with the people, responsibility for its destiny and pain for his sufferings.
Naturally, in view of absence at all of you above-mentioned qualities, to you not to understand it. But it and is unimportant. Not your understanding I want to find this letter, on it would be to count, at least, strange. I only want to ask you questions which you will never hear in the dramatized statements under the name "hotline with Vladimir Putin". Each Russian person whom you and your owners hurried to give fat up as a bad job would like to ask you these questions and to write-off. And it is necessary to answer them to you sooner or later. Be sure, you will answer everything and for everything!
So, questions!
Tell when in 1999 the family, in the person of Dyachenko, Yumashev, Voloshin and Deripaska chose you as the project manager "Utilization of Russia" as the Russian President, what you thus felt? Pleasure from career prospects or shame before the devoted Homeland?
Tell when after a series of explosions of houses in September, 1999, the staff of FSB unexpectedly made a mistake and were caught red-handed on attempt of blasting the next house in Ryazan on September 23, you were frightened of what the people will guess your role in these acts of terrorism or you were sure of the impunity? Whether you felt sorry for innocent people whom you blew up sleeping in the houses?
Tell after in August, 2000, the nuclear submarine "Kursk" which doesn't have analogs in the world was torpedoed by the American submarine "Memphis", and you, with eyes full of fear and the shivering lips murmured something unintelligible before journalists of that you were afraid then most of all? Deteriorations of the relations with the USA or what the country learns about your inability (unwillingness) to protect own people? After you deliberately tightened rescue efforts, dooming on the death of our submariners that they couldn't tell the world about real causes of the tragedy in the Barents Sea, then it wasn't a shame to you to look in the face them to relatives?
In 2001 you, at the request of Americans, closed both of our prospecting centers in Cuba and in Vietnam thanks to which we received to 70% of prospecting information. You explained this step with economy of means on which it is possible to build houses. Tell, whether it was much constructed houses for the Russian people on the saved money? How many specifically Russian families received from the state free housing for this term?
At the request of the same Americans in March, 2001 you lower the Mir Space Station giving to 30% of all prospecting information on a bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Thus, we finally lost foreign intelligence and independent development of domestic astronautics. Official same reason: lack of money for its contents and modernization. And it is concrete – 70 million dollars which at Russia wasn't.
Really, there are much more important projects for which it is possible to spend money, than rescue of some space station. For example, purchase and the contents by the governor of Chukotka Abramovich of football club "Chelsea" for total amount more than 1 billion, rolled out from Russia of dollars or allocation of 1,4 billion dollars to Telman Izmailov on construction of hotel in Turkey, isn't it, Vladimir Vladimirovich? And it without 1 billion dollars which were offered by China if only we preserved "Peace".
Tell, for what purpose you in 2005 sold to China primordially Russian lands – islands "Tarabarov" and "Big Ussuriisk" on Amur River, and also the island "Big" on the Argun River in the Chita region, total in total 367 of our territory? Who to you granted the right to dispose at discretion of what our ancestors mastered and protected throughout centuries?
Explain how so it turned out, what after the announcement you the fighter against oligarchs, the number of dollar billionaires increased in Russia many times, and on this indicator we came out on top in Europe? Besides that your private means, according to researches of famous political scientists, already exceeded 40(!) billion dollars. And it against a general impoverishment of the population when more than a half of Russians aren't able to afford the most necessary.
During your board mortality of the population of Russia and in particular its Russian part reached the fantastic sizes. According to the Central Analytical Center Russian Federation of department of the REGISTRY OFFICE for June 1, 2010 in the Russian Federation according to documents is registered the living population only 89 654 325 (!!!) the person, but not 142 000 000 as it is declared officially in population census. For 2009 5 000 854 persons died. During the period 4 678 856 people died from January 1, 2010 to June 1, 2010. The fact of criminal concealment of killing of people, terrible on scales, indicates deliberate creation by you, mister Putin, such vital conditions in the country which are calculated on full physical destruction of the population of Russia. Situation can be estimated only as catastrophic, especially concerning the state-building people – Russians which quantity decreases already in a geometrical progression.
Fantastic level of reduction of the population of the country (on 5 million inhabitants annually) – the main outcome of your ten years' war with the Russian people. Such rates of our destruction, the Russian nation completely will disappear from the face of the earth already at most in 10-20 years!
Promptly becoming empty Russian lands you occupy natives of Asia and the Caucasus, thereby provoking the international conflicts and pursuing policy of "soft" genocide of the Russian population with replacement it from the primordial fatherlike earth and replacement with alien ethnoses. I won't ask you, why you do it, and I will ask only one: whether still the earth under feet from feeling of own ublyudochnost burns at you? Isn't present? Anything, will sunbathe soon. Soon!
You explain the actions for involvement of migrants to that to our growing economy not to do without additional labor since the population isn't enough for a long time. Tell, mister Putin, and on a horse-radish to us this was given your growing economy, at catastrophically endangered people? You for whom develop economy? Tomorrow us already will survive nobody, and all of you think of money. Well, we die out now poor and hungry, and that we will die out in cash and full (if to assume that the growing economy somehow will affect welfare of simple toilers). And what? How long you will dupe us about the GDP record level and about the increasing purchasing power of the population, thus modestly holding back total genocide of this population?
On May 23, 2007 you, mister Putin, signed the contract No. 410940-4 with NATO that in case of national disorders and technogenic catastrophes of army of NATO can occupy freely the territory of Russia and perform on it military operations. Tell, for protection against whom you signed this treacherous document? Really you and the truth think, what at approach of national disorders (and they surely will come and already soon) when the Russian people brought to despair start overthrowing occupational antinational zhido-democratic regime, your transatlantic heads will be able to help you? You are mistaken because at this time in America and in Europe there will be the same.
The power of kikes and the Jewish capital bored already whole world! Your allies in war against the Russian people – wild Caucasians with whom you strenuously form law-enforcement bodies won't help to keep to your criminal mode even, relying on the old principle: you want devoted employees who won't tremble, having received the order to shoot on defeat – approach people without complexes of "love to the people". Be sure, during the Russian revolt, prompt and ruthless, Caucasians the first and will betray you. Such at them animal parasitic breed – to betray the weakened allies and to wag a tail before winners.
From the moment of your coming to power alcohol consumption sharply increased. Consumption of beer increases annually by 60% that is blow to a nation gene pool. Thanks to it, today 60% (!!!) guys of military age aren't capable to a detoproizvodstvo. Tell, you know, what the hop which is used for beer production, contains substance – a tarragon, similar on the chemical properties with estrageoly – a female sexual hormone which, at the systematic use, leads to infertility? It is sure that is known, differently there would be at us no such aggressive advertizing of beer, its promotion among youth and support of breweries at the state level. Isn't it Vladimir Vladimirovich?
At the last meeting of the State Council in 2010, you together with Medvedev put forward idea about creation of "the Russian nation" and "the all-Russian patriotism". Tell, it everything, what you managed to gain as national idea in ten years of the stay at a feeding trough of the power? You know, your eagerness and sense of duty before the kagalny owners can only envy. Yours energy and on protection of the Russian people, the price to you wouldn't be! But your excessive activity will also ruin you. You so hurry to close finally the Russian question, pursuing frank policy of an iznichtozheniye of the Russian nation that absolutely forgot about conspiracy.
You that think, what the Russian people so brainless cattle, what it doesn't understand against whom the "Russian nation" project is ground? Its anti-Russian orientation is so obvious that simply strikes with the cynicism. The small people of Russia having the national and state educations are protected from this project of a melting copper. They will remain Tatars, Kalmyks, Yakuts... So-called "Russians", such imperial cosmopolitans of humble origin you plan to do only of Russians. The child understands it even.
You are so obsessed in the Russophobic activity, and so you are afraid of the Russian national consciousness which is promptly arising in the people that didn't think up anything the best how to declare fight against Russian, and only against Russian, nationalism (nationalism – love to the nation, the nationalist – the one who loves the nation) the main direction of domestic policy. Not without reason in 2008 the department of fight against organized crime (OBOP) was liquidated, and on its base the department of fight against extremism is created (Center E). So that's that. Probably, isn't present for you and your owners it is more terrible and more dangerous than criminals in the country, than the Russian nationalists.
Tell why today on Russian soil the most deprived of civil rights, the most poor, most unfortunate and oppressed people are state-building Russian people? The yes, restrained provision of the Russian nation is a centuries-old basic paradigm of the Russian statehood, starting with the first Romanov. Both at tsars, and at communists, and at democrats fight against "great-power Russian chauvinism" was and is a distinctive feature of the russkonenavistnichesky occupational power. But you, mister Putin, surpassed all of them, together taken! Such sophisticated genocide which you suited to one of the greatest people on its native earth, the world history didn't know! How long you will play with the Russian long-suffering? Ripen, bulk up, ready to break blood, clusters of people's wrath …
At the expense of the ruined Russian regions there are funds for "restoration" of Chechnya and South Ossetia, for swindle with the Olympic Games in Sochi, the FIFA World Cup, etc., etc. On each inhabitant of the parasitic North Caucasian national region from the budget about 50 thousand rubles, and are allocated for the inhabitant of the Russian area – 5 thousand, 10 (!) times less. And, of course, settling of a sredneaziatama and Caucasians of primordially Russian territories of the European Russia proceeds. Besides that Siberia and the Far East are handed completely over on a payoff to foreigners, generally Chinese.
Tell, mister Putin when you together with Medvedev, military "reforms" deprived the Russian Armed Forces of fighting capacity, you did it for what? That the disarmed and reduced army couldn't show resistance to alleged military capture of Russia or that it didn't become a kernel of organized mass resistance against your cannibal power?
In parallel with disorder of army, your government practically already destroyed domestic education and science. You turned one of the systems of training and training of specialists, best in the world, into the ground on anti-humane experiments. And not simply to experiments. It is easy to track a tendency according to which, at us in the country with maniacal persistence those take root "educational innovations" which already showed the productivity in the Western world in business … to the population debilization. During your board, you, mister Putin, managed finally to destroy everything that supported our status as great scientific and industrial nation, thus having constructed nothing in exchange.
Results of your activity of an ustrashayushcha: demographic accident, disorder of the industry and agriculture, sharp decrease in defensive potential, wear of infrastructure and industrial equipment, degradation of the social sphere, moral decline. Enormous enrichment of the superthin parasitic layer (70% of the Russian capital belongs to the Jewish business) which is pumping over richness of Russia into the foreign accounts and not having in our country of long-term interests. GDP thus can grow, and the mass of the people starves and dies out. The cold, hunger, poverty, diseases, unemployment, a hopelessness sent and reduce to the grave millions of our fellow citizens.
Hatred and contempt for you of all Russian people simply knows no limit. From your self-satisfied physiognomy of each decent person already simply feels sick. Any person who itself personally or his acquaintances and relatives would vote for you or for your defective party "Eating Russia" isn't familiar to me. In this regard question: from where voices (to 70%), Vladimir Vladimirovich? When you in Russia not that the president, in live anybody doesn't want to see! You won't tell secret? Whether those 50 million dead souls whom every hour more and more, make skeleton of your "voters"?
Probably, therefore you so safely declared that you are going to go in presidents in 2012. Judging by your ostentatious self-confidence, results of elections don't interest you at all, time you declare yourself future president in advance. Forgive, and what you actually for a bush from the mountain such, what, without having asked opinion of the people, you decide to become at the head of the huge country?
I remind that you – only the pawn put on a playing field, and the same hand that were put, after performance of your mission – destruction of the Russian nation, will be also carelessly from it a smakhnuta as the fulfilled material. But don't worry, it won't occur. Much earlier you will be distraught a wave of promptly reviving Russian nation!
Your so-called "power" and "power" of your consanguineous cut-off owners with their drawn candy wrappers, exists only because we recognize it when you have no rights for the power and can't be by definition. All your invented power, all your artificial financial superiority over us exists only in the heads of the deceived people. As soon as the critical mass of the population understands a true state of affairs and will cease to recognize your power over itself – your imaginary power will thaw, as a smoke! That time is close, oh is close!
Personally I, mister Putin, don't recognize your power over myself in no shape or form. You for me anybody, the complete nonentity, as well as for millions of other Russian people! I spit on your zhido-democratic laws, I spit on you personally, I despise and I hate you immensely all the Russian heart! I am not afraid of your imaginary greatness and is ready to say of you all above-mentioned straight to the face.
For that you made and continue to do against, the Russian people which trusted in you, won't be to you forgiveness in eyelids eternal! You will surely be responsible for everything, will cruelly answer!
For each not been born Russian child; for each Russian officer brought to suicide; for each killed of the Russian guy and the raped Russian girl visitors from the Caucasus and Central Asia; for each Russian scientist who went to work abroad; for each meter of the Russian land sold to foreigners; for each street child; for each ruble allocated for the maintenance of murderers and tyrants in prisons; for each Russian child given on adoption to foreigners; for each custom-made abortion which is taken out to America for sale.
For each addict, the alcoholic and the prostitute who couldn't become an engineer, the military or mother having many children; for each kike oligarch living at the expense of a robbery of the Russian people; for each starving toiler, for each Russian unemployed; for each foreigner delivered to the country; for each ruble which is rolled out from the country; for each dead from a hopelessness of the Russian person; for each hidden and obvious promotion in mass media of sexual dissoluteness, a paederasty, russophobia, a zhidopoklonstvo, shkurnichestvo, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, tolerance, cosmopolitism, zhido-Christianity and other western "multicultural values".
For each corrupted Russian child, for each broken Russian destiny; for each Russian guy sitting under the invented extremist article; for each cop and the official gathering the Russian people; for each Russian person left to the mercy of fate living in the countries of the former Union; for each killed your actions of a rusich, and such already tens of millions; for each your lie.
For each your treachery, for all this and many other things you will be responsible wholly. Be sure of it. The Russian national revival approaches …
The author – Yury Averyanov.