Effeminate Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is a Kremlin stooge and is doing Russia’s bidding once again by using his Wikileaks megaphone to support Catalonian independence from Spain.
Russia supports Catalan separatism as part of its covert war against the West. Sowing discord among EU and NATO member states has been a top priority for the Bolshevik schemers in Moscow. It’s no coincidence that all of the Kremlin’s state media and pro-Putin alternative media is supporting Catalonia’s independence drive, and so is Assange who has taken up the Catalan cause on Twitter.
Confirming his status as a cat’s paw of the Kremlin, in 2016 Assange turned down and refused to publish a cache of documents relating to Russia and corruption.
Business Insider reported:
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reportedly “gave excuse after excuse” for refusing to publish a trove of documents related to corruption within the Russian government, according to chat logs obtained by Foreign Policy.
The source who sent the chat logs to Foreign Policy told the publication that the documents “would have exposed Russian activities and shown WikiLeaks was not controlled by Russian security services. Many Wikileaks staff and volunteers or their families suffered at the hands of Russian corruption and cruelty, we were sure Wikileaks would release it. Assange gave excuse after excuse.”
The documents comprised roughly 68 gigabytes worth of data, according to FP, and were the continuation of a set of files about Russia’s involvement in Ukraine that had been hacked — and reported on — in 2014.
Assange, Snowden and the whole cadre of Western “dissidents” have offered themselves up as instruments in Putin’s war against the West. No surprise that Snowden is hiding out in Russia and Assange in the London embassy of Marxist Ecuador where he filmed his former TV show for Russia Today.
Source: https://martinezperspective.wordpress.com/2017/10/07/julian-assange-confirmed-as-kremlin-stooge